Tear Sheet
Images References:
“Editorial.” Perla Farias, www.perla-farias.com/editorial#3.
“Healing Through Depression.” Chicana Mama, 17 July 2018, www.chicanamama.com/healing-through-depression/.
“How to Be Mindful With a Cup of Tea.” Mindful, Mindful, 5 June 2018, www.mindful.org/mindful-cup-tea/.
“Provo-CUT: A Collection Stemming From Scars.” Design Milk, 31 July 2014, design-milk.com/provo-cut-zita-merenyi/?utm_source=Design Milk Newsletter&utm_campaign=ab7cc5585e-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1033d478fd-ab7cc5585e-23140361.
“Scars.” NASTY Magazine, 3 July 2015, www.nastymagazine.com/fashion/scars-by-kamil-zacharski/.
“Stassi Schroeder Proudly Declares Her Breast Reduction Scars ‘Pretty’ & Reveals Why She Won’t Photoshop Them.” PEOPLE.com, Time Inc, people.com/bodies/stassi-schroeder-opens-up-why-she-is-proud-breast-reduction-scars/.
“Transcendental Meditation or Mindfulness: Which Is Better?” The Spire Wellness Blog, 3 July 2018, blog.spire.io/2018/02/27/transcendental-meditation-mindfulness-better/.
“Tumblr.” Tumblr, www.tumblr.com/.
“WGSN | Create Tomorrow | Trend Forecasting & Analytics.” WGSN | Creating Tomorrow | Trend Forecasting & Analytics, WGSN, www.wgsn.com/en/.
Project is the property of Silas Choudhury.